venue finder, meeting venues, site selection agency, free hotel search and selection, hotel procurement and negotiation, corporate seminars
venue finder, meeting venues, site selection agency, free hotel search and selection, hotel procurement and negotiation, corporate seminars
  • Seminar
  • Training
  • Board meeting
  • Group activity
  • Product launch
  • Conference
  • Congress
  • Exhibition
  • General assembly
  • Group accommodation
  • Special event
  • Gala dinner


FIND'R, the international venue finding agency,

provides a priceless meeting servicefree of charge.  

Summer 2024 

Enjoy your vacation and let us plan your September meetings!

Call Find'R : A stress free solution at no cost to you !


your needs / challenges - venue finder, corporate seminars, free hotel search and selection our services - hotel procurement and negotiation our company - venue finder, meeting venues, your benefits - site selection agency, free hotel search and selection
· No time to search & compare
· Lack of expertise
· Budget constraints
· No availabilities (high season…)
· Hotel and venue search
· Contract negotiation & Risk mitigation
· Site inspections & Assistance
· Reporting
· International network
· State-of-the-art technology
· Hospitality sourcing specialists
· Transparent
· Save time
· Save money 
· No stress
· No commitment

